lynntilsManga Style1 CharacterFINISHED
Eclypse_XVManga page1 pageFINISHED
DarkbandsManga Style1 characterFINISHED
deagfatherManga Pages2 PagesFINISHED
DarkbandsAnime Style1 CharacterFINISHED
IamFovosAnime Style1 CharacterFINISHED
CashewCocoaAnime Style2 Characters + BGFINISHED
eldewerberrySplash Art BG1 BackgroundFINISHED
Leawsome9Manga Style1 CharacterWIP
YoshinoyabowlManga Style1 CharacterWIP

- Check Work Queue in my VGen Profile
- Please Check finished commissions in my VGen portfolio


  • Cameron Anderson/ [email protected]/ dc: skyairlines345/ twitter: Cameron62362339/ IG: Cameo_anderson. Do hit and run, won't pay the request that he placed.

  • Zowie / Discord: dc: zowiefarrel / [email protected] - asking for partial refund while my TOS didn't allow for refund, and gaslighting me, said that I "barely started" even though I already do the sketch, moreover their commission type is Character Design + Splash Art package which is time & brain consuming.

  • Slushly / slushly#2807 / @ItsSlushly - ghosting and no response after placing the order

  • Coolgirl45 / Balalaika#0184 / [email protected] - disappear after they got the invoice

  • @Gmac565 / [email protected] - disappear after they got the invoice

  • @celedath/ [email protected] - disappear after they got the invoice